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Recovery Housing Repairs Fund Application Form

Ohio Recovery Housing has been awarded money from the Ohio Housing Trust Fund to provide recovery housing operators small grants for the purpose of making critical repairs to their homes that are needed to meet or maintain quality standards.  

These funds are not intended for starting new recovery homes, but are intended to assist existing housing operators in meeting national standards for quality. This funds are not intended to be used in major repairs or remodels, but are intended for small repairs and purchases to help operations meeting quality standards.   

Organizations must meet ORH programmatic requirements to be eligible for funds.

The purpose of these funds is to increase the number of recovery homes in Ohio that meet nationally recognized standards for quality. Organizations may apply for a maximum of $10,000 per property AND $30,000 per organization to engage in physical property quality improvement efforts. If the repair needed is more than $10,000, the fund may reimburse up to $10,000, if the organization is able demonstrate that they have funding to cover the remaining expense.

Multiple repairs to the property may be included in the application, but the total amount may not exceed $10,000 per property. Each organization is limited to a total of $30,000.  

Organizations must apply for ORH certification to be eligible for funds.  

Organizations must have have had an on-site dwelling review visit in the 12 months prior to submitting the application.

These funds are only available for physical property improvements that are identified by on-site reviewers as being needed in order to meet minimum standards for quality.  

Eligible properties:

  1. Meet the definition of recovery housing in the Ohio Revised Code. "Recovery housing" means housing for individuals recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction that provides an alcohol- and drug-free living environment, peer support, assistance with obtaining alcohol- and drug-addiction services, and other alcoholism and drug addiction recovery assistance.

  2. Are in the process of certification or re-certification with Ohio Recovery Housing

  3. Have homes that are open at the time of the on-site visit with Ohio Recovery Housing, meaning residents are actively living at the property.  

Eligible Uses of Funds for Properties Owned by the Organization Applying for Funds

Eligible uses of funds include addressing any physical property improvements identified during the ORH certification review process. These could include but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. Installation of required fire safety or other safety equipment

  2. Installation of egress windows

  3. Installation or repair of kitchen cabinets or storage to meet requirements regarding sufficient food storage and dining space

  4. Purchase of essential furniture needed for the recovery home to meet quality standards. Funds may not be used to purchase bunk beds (single beds only).

  5. Installation or repairs to appliances or other equipment that are not currently in good working order 

  6. Repairs of any safety hazards in the home (broken tiles, loose carpet, loose or missing handrails, broken windows or similar repairs) 

  7. Fees to cover costs of removal of trash and debris  

  8. Repairs that can reasonably be completed in the next six months after approval of the application. (If you have a repair that may take more than six months, please contact ORH. We do need to make sure funds are expended on time, but we will do our best to work with you.)

Eligible Uses of Funds for Properties Leased by the Organization Applying for Funds

Organizations that do not own the properties are eligible to apply for funds to address essential repairs and items that are NOT FIXED TO THE PROPERTY. This includes:

  1. Purchase of essential furniture

  2. Purchase and installation of essential appliances that are NOT FIXED TO THE property (excludes appliances like water heaters and furnaces)

Ineligible Uses of Funds

  1. Rental subsides 

  2. New construction or purchase of additional buildings 

  3. Staff salaries or other supportive services 

  4. Replacement of appliances or equipment that are currently in good working order

  5. Installation or repair of items or equipment that are not needed to meet quality standards 

  6. Routine maintenance and supplies 

  7. Cleaning supplies, dishes, linens, food items and other consumables


All repairs to the property must be complete and property must achieve certification or recertification by May 31. Organizations may request, in writing, extensions to this deadline until June 30. All extension requests must be approved. Funds will only be provided to organizations that complete ALL quality improvement recommendations, both property and programmatic, and are able to achieve certification by the appropriate deadline.

Application Process

To apply for funds, an organization must:

  1. Apply for ORH Certification and complete the ORH Certification Review Process, including completing the policy and procedure review component of the process and an onsite interview and dwelling review. To learn more about this process, visit the ORH website.

  2. After the dwelling review, the organization will receive a report listing needed quality improvements per property.  

  3. The organization will submit the following form, along with their budget.

  4. ORH will review the application. 

  5. ORH will notify the applicant that the application is approved

  6. Once ALL repairs and quality improvements are completed (BOTH property and programmatic), the organization will submit required documentation to ORH.

  7. The organization will also COMPLETE the ENTIRE ORH review process and achieve certification or recertification.

  8. Once ALL repairs are complete, certification is achieved and documentation is submitted, reimbursement will be provided. Documentation must list the actual cost of repairs and items purchased for reimbursement. Depending on the exact nature of the repair, this may include photographs, a virtual meeting with a video walk through, a follow-up site visit or other documentation as determined appropriate by ORH.  

Other Notes

Any repairs or work to be performed must be performed by appropriately licensed contractors.  

All applicants agree to use the ORH outcomes tools to track residents served and outcomes. 

Each property is eligible for ONE grant award. Please ensure that ALL needed repairs are included on your application.

Mailing address of organization

Contact information of person responsible for this application

Are parents allowed to have their minor children live with them in this property?

House Information

Please submit a different application for each property. Please only include information on this form for items that pertain to the property listed below.  

Address of house where repairs will be made:

Is this house currently certified by ORH?
Has this home participated in a dwelling review as a part of ORH certification?
Does your organization own the above listed property?

Upload the completed budget form. Download a blank copy of the form here.

Important: You MUST use the budget form provided. Other submitted budgets will not be accepted.  

ORH is an alliance for individuals and organizations operating quality recovery housing in Ohio.

Ohio Recovery Housing

200 East Campus View Blvd.

Suite 200

Columbus, OH 43235

Office visits by appointment only 

T: 614-453-5133

F: 614-228-0740


© 2024 Ohio Recovery Housing

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