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Does this describe your Recovery House?

1. Recently participated in a quality review with Ohio Recovery Housing as a part of the certification or recertification process

2. And have physical barriers to receiving or maintaining your Ohio Recovery Housing certification 

The ORH Recovery Housing Repairs Fund may help!
ORH Recovery Housing Repairs Fund


The Ohio Department of Development has granted ORH Housing Trust Fund Dollars to distribute to eligible recovery housing operators seeking to meet or maintain the quality standards for recovery housing as set by the National Alliance of Recovery Residences.  

The purpose of these funds is to increase the number of recovery homes in Ohio that meet nationally recognized standards for quality with regards to their physical property. These funds are NOT intended to be used to open new homes. These funds are meant to assist with minor repairs, they are not intended to conduct major renovations.    

Organizations may apply for up to $10,000 per property to engage in physical property quality improvement efforts and up to $30,000 per organization. If the repair needed is over $10,000 the fund may reimburse up to $10,000, if the organization is able demonstrate that they have funding to cover the remaining expense. Multiple repairs to the property may be included in the application, but the total amount may not exceed $10,000 per property. If an organization operates multiple properties they may only request a total of $30,000.  

Organizations must apply for ORH certification or recertification in order to be eligible for funds. Organizations must have had an onsite dwelling review visit in the 12 months prior to submitting the application. These funds are only available for physical property improvements that are identified by on-site reviewers as being needed in order to meet minimum standards for quality AT THE TIME THE APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED. Funds CANNOT be used for repairs made in the past or repairs that have already been completed at the time of the onsite visit or application. 

Organizations must COMPLETE the ORH certification process by May 31 to receive reimbursement.  This deadline can be extended to June 30 with prior written approval. This means applicants must complete ALL property AND programmatic improvements by the deadline in order to get reimbursement.  

Eligible Properties 

  1. Meet the definition of Recovery Housing in the Ohio Revised Code: "Recovery housing" means housing for individuals recovering from alcoholism or drug addiction that provides an alcohol and drug-free living environment, peer support, assistance with obtaining alcohol and drug addiction services, and other alcoholism and drug addiction recovery assistance."

  2. Properties that are owned by the organization seeking funding may apply for funds for repairs to the physical structure, as well as for critical furniture and appliances for the home.  See application process for more details.  

  3. Properties that are leased by the organization may apply for funding for eligible furniture and appliances for the home but are NOT eligible for repairs or enhancements to the physical structure.  See application for more details.

  4. Properties who did NOT receive previous Recovery Housing Repairs Funding

  5. Clarification posted 4/8/2024: Properties must be in the process of getting certified.  If the property has already obtained certification, it is not eligible to receive funds unless the property has applied for and is experiencing barriers to recertification.

Application Process

To apply for funds, an organization must:

  1. Apply for ORH Certification and complete the ORH Certification Review Process, including completing the policy and procedure review component as well as an onsite interview and dwelling review.

  2. After the dwelling review, the organization will receive a report listing needed quality improvements.  

  3. The organization will then submit an application to ORH listing any estimated expenses needed for the quality improvements. ORH will review applications. 

  4. Applicants will detail on their applications how they will address each item that is listed for quality improvement on the report and how funds will assist them in addressing all issues. Organizations must demonstrate that they will be able to address all issues and achieve certification, highlighting any additional funding sources that are needed.    

  5. Clarification added April 8, 2024: Repairs must be pre-approved prior to them being performed.  Applications must be submitted prior to the work being performed. Reimbursement cannot be provided for expenses that were not pre-approved.  

  6. If application is approved and once repairs are completed, the organization will submit documentation to ORH of actual expenses as well as documentation that the work was completed. Depending on the exact nature of the repair, this may be photographs, a virtual meeting with a video walk through, a follow up site visit, or other documentation as determined by ORH. ORH will then reimburse the organization for the expenses once approved repairs are verified by ORH.

  7. Organization will ONLY receive funds if the home is able to be approved for ORH certification by May 31, 2025.  Homes that are unable to achieve certification by this date will not be awarded funds.

Please see the application for more descriptive details.  

ORH is an alliance for individuals and organizations operating quality recovery housing in Ohio.

Ohio Recovery Housing

200 East Campus View Blvd.

Suite 200

Columbus, OH 43235

Office visits by appointment only 

T: 614-453-5133

F: 614-228-0740


© 2024 Ohio Recovery Housing

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