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Through the support of OhioMHAS – ORH is now able to offer the ORH outcomes tools to all recovery housing operators who receive funding through OhioMHAS or their local county board regardless of certification status.

It is critical that operators and staff of a recovery home attend a live webinar to learn how to implement the resident-driven survey to collect outcomes data on recovery home residents across the state in order to document resident's changes that occur over time.


The outcomes survey is a resident-driven survey meaning the resident completes the survey.


We are asking you to have your residents complete an outcomes survey at three time intervals: 



  1. Move-In:  Residents should complete an initial outcomes survey within the first week of their residence.  We recognize that on the actual day of move-in, there may be many tasks for the residents to complete, which is why we provide a one-week window.

  2. At six months into their stay with you:  This interim measure provides us with a snapshot of the changes residents have experienced at this critical point in their stay.

  3. Move-Out: For planned move-outs, we ask that residents complete a final outcome survey within a week of their move-out date (ideally before they actually leave).  For those whose move-out is unplanned, you can complete this information for them.  You will indicate online that you are completing the form, rather than the resident.  (There is a specific check box to indicate that you are completing the form, rather than the resident). 

Find the Resident and Staff Outcomes Tool Survey

Register your organization and recovery house

Learn how to use and download your data dashboard

Sign up for on-demand online training

Learn the difference between the two parts of the outcomes tools

County Boards: If you are interested in receiving access to a data dashboard, please contact Ohio Recovery Housing at

ORH is an alliance for individuals and organizations operating quality recovery housing in Ohio.

Ohio Recovery Housing

200 East Campus View Blvd.

Suite 200

Columbus, OH 43235

Office visits by appointment only 

T: 614-453-5133

F: 614-228-0740


© 2024 Ohio Recovery Housing

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